Abican - this is Can Etterlin - sound- and visual artist, multi-instrumentalist, composer and improviser, partly based in Zug (CH) and Tallinn (EST). Abican cleverly dances along stylistic habits and artistic boundaries, merges supposedly conflictive things into something of his own and, in doing so, creates something experimentally new. Whether on the piano or on the synth, on the drums or on the PC, in improvisation or composition, in installations or in performances – Abican only knows one way: forward. Drifting, forward, always forward, in the mind and in the body.
Through his distinct playing, his flair for rhythm and mediation of emotions, he moves - sometimes smoothly, sometimes with tension - in the interplay between acoustic and electronic music. His activities span a wide variety of projects between punk, pop and free improvisation.
Through his distinct playing, his flair for rhythm and mediation of emotions, he moves - sometimes smoothly, sometimes with tension - in the interplay between acoustic and electronic music. His activities span a wide variety of projects between punk, pop and free improvisation.
Abican - das ist Can Etterlin - Klang- und Audiovisueller Künstler, Multiinstrumentalist, Komponist und Improvisator aus Zug (CH) und Tallinn (EST). Abican tänzelt geschickt entlang der stilistischen Gewohnheiten und künstlerischen Grenzen, vereint vermeintlich Gegensätzliches zu etwas Eigenem und kreiert dabei experimentell Neues. Sei es am Klavier oder am Synth, an den Drums oder am PC, in Improvisation oder Komposition, in Installationen oder bei Performances - Abican kennt nur eine Richtung: Vorwärts. Treibend, vorwärts, immer vorwärts, im Kopf und im Körper.
Durch sein klares Spiel, sein Flair für Rhythmus und das Vermitteln von Emotionen, bewegt er sich - mal geschmeidig, mal reibend - im Spannungsfeld akustischer und elektronischer Musik. Seine Tätigkeiten erstrecken sich über die unterschiedlichsten Projekte zwischen Punk, Pop und freier Improvisation.
Durch sein klares Spiel, sein Flair für Rhythmus und das Vermitteln von Emotionen, bewegt er sich - mal geschmeidig, mal reibend - im Spannungsfeld akustischer und elektronischer Musik. Seine Tätigkeiten erstrecken sich über die unterschiedlichsten Projekte zwischen Punk, Pop und freier Improvisation.
das wasser ist niemals einsam
“Das Wasser ist niemals einsam”
823 glaciers
1689 km²
481 m³/s
Water freezes. Water thaws.
Water stands still. Water flows.
Water destroys. Water gives life -
but above all:
It leaves traces.
Visible, tangible and audible.
Abican tries to accompany, document and reconstruct water on its way to civilization. The result is an immersive, audiovisual journey, through a two-month reflection and examination of sound, perspective, structure and texture of the Lower Engadine (CH).
The piece was composed only with collected video and field recordings from my residency at Fundaziun Nairs was originally composed and performed for 8 speakers and 3 screens in a blackbox at the Dark Days Festival HSLU (CH), in December 2021.
823 glaciers
1689 km²
481 m³/s
Water freezes. Water thaws.
Water stands still. Water flows.
Water destroys. Water gives life -
but above all:
It leaves traces.
Visible, tangible and audible.
Abican tries to accompany, document and reconstruct water on its way to civilization. The result is an immersive, audiovisual journey, through a two-month reflection and examination of sound, perspective, structure and texture of the Lower Engadine (CH).
The piece was composed only with collected video and field recordings from my residency at Fundaziun Nairs was originally composed and performed for 8 speakers and 3 screens in a blackbox at the Dark Days Festival HSLU (CH), in December 2021.

For the group exhibition at Kunstpause Zug (CH) in June 2022, we adapted the piece together with their team as an installation for Virtual Reality. To give another perspective on the thematic, I also performed live with the collected field recordings from the residency, together with live processed audio from collected wood.

live life, tallin diaries
“Live life, Tallin diaries” is a partly composed, partly improvised piece for live processed fieldrecordings, amplified and live processed collected woods and an amplified kettle.
performed at Sveta Bar in Tallinn (EST), June 2022
performed at Sveta Bar in Tallinn (EST), June 2022
heavy metal
“Heavy Metal” is a 3-part performance, partly composed, partly improvised with pre-recorded and live processed audio from the garage of Metropol Gallerii in Tallinn (EST).
residency and live performance at Metropol Gallerii in Tallinn (EST), March 2022
piz lad - abican tanzt
Immersive performance with five dancers and a soundwalk with processed live audio through the gravel plant in Grosswangen.
performaned in Grosswangen (CH), September 2021
performaned in Grosswangen (CH), September 2021

Fotos: Natalie Melina
As Abican gently guides the audience through the microcosmos of the gravel plant with his processed live audio, they encounter the 5 dancers that perform to the previously composed EP “Piz Lad” by Abican.
music: Can Etterlin
concept: Can Etterlin, Michèle Fella
dancers: Michèle Fella, Selina Brenner, Célina Von Moos, Natalia Podany, Laura Heinzer
coaching: Sarah Keusch
“Thousands of pebbles are piled up into pyramids at Kigro AG Grosswangen. The backdrop could probably not be more industrial, in which the EP Piz Lad is performed, which combines with dance to create a total work of art. Through the collective Abican dances, the static gravel plant is transformed into an animated and special world in which man and environment merge in an unusual and almost extraterrestrial way. It is an experience that makes you feel how slowly time passes when, in addition to the music, pebbles rattle among the dancers.” – Frachtwerk, 2021
music: Can Etterlin
concept: Can Etterlin, Michèle Fella
dancers: Michèle Fella, Selina Brenner, Célina Von Moos, Natalia Podany, Laura Heinzer
coaching: Sarah Keusch
“Thousands of pebbles are piled up into pyramids at Kigro AG Grosswangen. The backdrop could probably not be more industrial, in which the EP Piz Lad is performed, which combines with dance to create a total work of art. Through the collective Abican dances, the static gravel plant is transformed into an animated and special world in which man and environment merge in an unusual and almost extraterrestrial way. It is an experience that makes you feel how slowly time passes when, in addition to the music, pebbles rattle among the dancers.” – Frachtwerk, 2021
Alpincan: Lai Radount
“Lai radount” is one performance out of a series of mountainlake concerts high up in the swiss alps, with processed field recordings from the area during my residency at funadziun nairs.
Performed about 1000 meters above Ardez (CH), June 2021
Performed about 1000 meters above Ardez (CH), June 2021

No upcoming concerts at the moment.
Abican needs your money.
Donations for a good cause:
IBAN CH59 0078 7007 7127 8030 9
Donations for a good cause:
IBAN CH59 0078 7007 7127 8030 9